The Kachhi “My people are known as the Kachhi. Traditionally, we are agrarian workers, growing crops such as wheat and lentils. However, in regions such as Delhi, we are typically employed as small business owners. We typically follow the Hindu faith, but a small number of us in Uttar Pradesh follow the Buddhist faith.”
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Evangelical Christian: 0.00%
India Population: 5,911,000
Language: Hindi
Major Religion: Hinduism
Status: Unreached
Joshua Project ID: 17035
ER SOE Affiliation: Uttar Pradesh
Prayer Points
• Pray that our ministry partners in Uttar Pradesh would have more opportunities to share the love of God with the Kachhi in ways relevant to their diverse experiences.

• Pray also that Christian leaders and pastors would be raised up among the Kachhi.
The Kaibartta The Kaibartta people of India have primarily sought their livelihood via fishing. They are considered a lower caste among their surrounding culture, and as such are often subjected to prejudice, racism, and systemic poverty. The Kaibartta people typically follow a Hindu faith heavily influenced by animism. At this time, Kaibartta society is being threatened by a group of upper-caste peoples called “dikus” who are attempting to claim fishing rights over certain rivers that rightfully belong to the Kaibartta.
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Christian: 0.09%
India Population: 1,948,000
Language: Hindi
Major Religion: Hinduism and Animism
Status: Unreached
Joshua Project ID: 17016
ER SOE Affiliation: Bihar
Prayer Points
• Pray that the Kaibartta might experience freedom from the societal and cultural oppression they face, in the name of Jesus Christ.

• Pray also that our ministry partner in Bihar might find creative ways of communicating the gospel, inviting the Kaibartta to become “fishers of men.”
The Katkari The Katkari people of India are also known as the Kathodi. They are considered social outcasts by their surrounding culture. Mostly landless, they have become nomads in search of sustenance, working primarily as agricultural laborers. The Katkari typically follow the Hindu faith; however, some also practice witchcraft and sorcery.
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Christian: 0.03%
India Population: 314,000
Language: Marathi
Major Religion: Hinduism
Status: Unreached
Joshua Project ID: 17300
ER SOE Affiliation: Maharashtra
Prayer Points
• Pray that our ministry partners among the Katkari might have increased opportunities to show them the love of God through both word and deed.

• Pray also that the Katkari will learn that they are beloved by God, made in His image and created for Kingdom purposes.
The Khairwar The Khairwar people’s name derives from “Khairar”—a word associated with catechu, a herb that comes from Acacia trees. The Khairwar were formerly known for gathering catechu, but most are now farmers. Like many other Indian people groups involved with agriculture, they live in poverty and lack adequate education. Their religion usually consists of worshiping family and village deities and is a mix of Hinduism and Animism.
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Christian: 0.23%
India Population: 418,000
Language: Bengali
Major Religion: Hinduism
Status: Unreached
Joshua Project ID: 17157
ER SOE Affiliation: Gujarat
Prayer Points
• Pray for the Khairwar followers of Jesus to be empowered by the Spirit for bold witness within their communities.

• Pray for Sam Francis and his team to receive encouragement and God’s wisdom as they continue planting churches among certain Khairwar communities.

• Pray for the new Khairwar believers to come to understand what it means to belong to “the family of families, the Church.”
The Kharia Also known as the Lewa Kunbi or Lewa Patil, the Kharia are an agricultural people group. Some raise crops on their own land while others work through sharecropping. In Kharia culture, women perform some of the same roles as men, such as earning income and being involved with public religious practices. Many Kharia men unfortunately succumb to alcoholism. Their religious and cultural customs usually involve worshiping local and family gods, avoiding exchanging food with certain people groups, and holding elaborate rituals for weddings.
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Evangelical Christian: Unknown
India Population: 753,000
Language: Kharia
Major Religion: Hinduism
Status: Minimally Reached
Joshua Project ID: 17153
ER SOE Affiliation: Odisha
Prayer Points
• Pray for Kharia believers to experience immediate freedom from alcoholism and prejudice toward other castes, and that they may have a powerful testimony.

• Pray for the Kharia families who are coming to Christ together. Pray that they will strengthen each other in their faith and ministry.
The Koeri The Koeri people of India are also known as the Koiri or Kuswaha people and typically earn a living in agriculture. They follow the Hindu faith and believe they are descendants of Kush, one of the twin sons of their deity Rama. Unfortunately, the influence of nominal Christians has confused the Koeri people’s perception on what it means to follow Jesus.
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Evangelical Christian: 0.00%
India Population: 8,118,000
Language: Hindi
Major Religion: Hinduism
Status: Unreached
Joshua Project ID: 17236
ER SOE Affiliation: Bihar
Prayer Points
• Pray for the Christians among the Koeri community, that they will have a faithful testimony for the Lord and will honor Him with their lives.

• Pray also that our ministry partners in Bihar might be a light and testimony to what it means to follow Christ.

UPG stats and descriptions based on information from