Statement of Faith

WE BELIEVE IN GOD, the eternal Creator, eternally existent in one nature and power but manifested in three distinct persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. He is wholly other than man and His created universe, but always present and involved in His creation. He is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent.

WE BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST, Son of God and Son of man, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. We believe that in Him the fullness of the Godhead dwelt bodily. In this state He bore the sins of all men in His own body on the cross and paid the penalty of sin for all men. He arose on the third day and ascended back into heaven. He shall come again from thence and shall receive His bride, the Church, unto Himself. He shall judge the living and the dead.

WE BELIEVE IN THE HOLY SPIRIT, third Person of the Trinity, that He is the gift of God to every person who meets the conditions for His coming in His fullness into the life of the believer. We believe that He bears witness with the spirit of man that he is the child of God when he has truly repented of his sin and has believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; that He works in the life of the Christian to cleanse of all sin and to empower the life for service. We believe that He gives certain gifts to Christians for the work of the Lord, but that the fruit He bears in lives is far more basic to His purpose and to man's need than even His gifts.

WE BELIEVE IN THE BIBLE as the holy, inspired and inerrant Word of God; that the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament are, in their original form as given by God through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, wholly without error.

WE BELIEVE IN HUMANITY AS THE FALLEN OBJECT OF GOD’S PERFECT LOVE, lost through sin but not so far fallen as to be incapable of choosing to accept God's free grace. We believe that all are lost and need a Savior, who alone is Christ, there being no other in heaven or earth.

WE BELIEVE IN JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH AND SANCTIFICATION BY FAITH. We believe that no man comes to the Father but by the Son, and that none comes by the Son apart from true repentance and faith.

WE BELIEVE IN HOLINESS as the norm for the truly Christian life, and that this holiness is available to every believer through the indwelling fullness of the Holy Spirit.

WE BELIEVE IN THE CHURCH, the body of Christ, whose head is Christ. We believe that He has washed the Church through the cleansing of His own blood, and that it is His plan for His Church to evangelize the world before His coming again. We believe indeed that the work of world-evangelization is the supreme task of the Church.